The library is currently open Monday through Friday from 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. The Children's Room and Archives are open by appointment. Please call for details: 207-582-3312.

Left Behind In The Library

 Left Behind by Tim LaHaye is the title of a popular book series but in the library world “left behind” has special meaning.


Like many well frequented public buildings, the library has its own left behind stories.
Over the last 30 odd years our patrons have left behind the following:
Glasses – both sun & vision
Mittens/gloves, hats, scarves, sweaters, & jackets
Cell phones
Travel coffee cups along with snacks
Photos & gift certificates (being used as book marks)
Change purses with money inside
1 sock (size small)
Stuffed animals & other toys
Grocery lists
Homework assignments
Books – not ours
And even one small child (his sibling babysitter decided to leave the building with a friend)
Whenever possible we try to get the lost articles back to the proper owner.  If this is not possible, after a few months the usable items are donated to a local charity.
As to the small child, he was safely reunited with his mother & his babysitter grounded (no doubt for the duration of her natural life).
Charlene Wagner, Children’s Librarian