The library is currently open Monday through Friday from 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. The Children's Room and Archives are open by appointment. Please call for details: 207-582-3312.

Teen Time at the Library

We had a wonderful group of students visit Thursday, Sept. 18th.  This was the first day of our new after school program geared toward the middle and high school students of MSAD # 11. The bus will drop them off every Thursday, we’ll feed them a snack, give them time for homework and socializing. Sometimes there will be a small program like an author visit or an inside scavenger hunt.


Students read books, used computers and gotused to what we have to offer. Everyone seemed to have a great time and enjoyed themselves.



We are looking forward to having the students every Thursday after school.


Ladies Literary Overnight

Recently we had our second annual Ladies Literary Sleepover in the library – yes, we did it a second time!
Eighteen women had fun in the library, after hours.  We talked, we ate, we laughed, we ate, we played games, we talked, we visited, we ate, we slept (a little) and we got up and did it all again!
The ladies began arriving around 7:00, munchies and sleeping bags in hand.  We set up our buffet of yummies in the Young Adult Room, and YUMMIES they were!  We had blueberries, chips, fruit, salad, pizza, eggs, soda and chocolate (it’s not a party without chocolate!!!).
Dawn Thistle, our Archives Librarian, had an historic Gardiner scavenger hunt.  Everyone gathered in the Reading Room, for this interactive trip through the area – from the 1800s forward.  What a fascinating way to learn about where we live.


After munching, and chatting some more, folks migrated to various areas of the library – some for games, Scrabble and Hugger Mugger in particular, some for reading of books, some for reading of tarot cards, and some for more visiting.
Eventually, we chose our various sleeping spots – several in the Children’s Room – on the stage, in the puppet area, as well as surrounding the train.  The rest of us slept on the main level of the library – one person opted to sleep in the stacks among the biographies, but the majority spread out in the Reading Room.
Sunday morning we were up early – coffee, fruit and Frosty’s donuts were on the menu – can I just say YUM!!!  We all gathered our various and sundry belongings, checked the stacks one last time, and headed home to our regularly scheduled Sunday events.
Will we do this next year???  Watch the calendar and check with staff for a sleepover next Summer!