The library is currently open Monday through Friday from 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. The Children's Room and Archives are open by appointment. Please call for details: 207-582-3312.

Henna Happy Hour

A fun time was had by all who came to the Young Adult Room in the Gardiner Public Library on Tuesday, August 14th for a Henna Happy Hour. We did nails and Henna tattoos for a small group of young ladies for the first time here.  It was a fabulous time with plenty of great memories made in the library.  We had a wonderful crew of staff including Alyssa, Helen, Annie and Meryl helping me (Ginni Nichols, Young Adult Librarian) put on the event with food.  Pictures were taken and there was plenty of laughter. This event was such a success that we will be looking to schedule another Henna Happy Hour with more things to do for the evening. Keep an eye out for an upcoming hour with the Gardiner Public Library.
Another event that has become an annual one here at the Gardiner Library is the International Games Day @ your library coming up on Saturday, November 3rd. This is a time set aside to come and play different games at your local library. National companies sponsor this day by donating new games for the day to the libraries that participate. We can’t wait for this year’s event – game on!
Ginni Nichols (Young Adult Librarian)