The library is currently open Monday through Friday from 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. The Children's Room and Archives are open by appointment. Please call for details: 207-582-3312.

What’s going on in the library?

We have a couple of programs coming up!


Monday, May 12th Maine Attorney General Janet Mills will be here at the invitations of Representative Gay Grant.  Ms. Mills will speak at a Consumer Protection Forum.  Visit us and learn more about protecting yourself, your identity and your assets.


Tuesday, May 20th, we will have An Evening With Herman Melville.  David Peloquin, folk musician and independent scholar specializing in maritime songs and chanties of the American sailor, will explore the mystical side of Herman Melville.  Join us for this entertaining evening of music and discussion.
Did you know we loan sets of books for book discussion?  We have sets of books, read by our books discussion groups that are available for you to enjoy with YOUR book group!  Most of these sets contain between 5 and 7 books.  Follow the link or come on  in, and see what might be of interest to you!

Being Part Of The Downtown “Businesses”

I often laugh when people tell me that I have the best job in the world…I get to read books all day!  One thing that I do agree on is that I DO have one of the best jobs in the world because I run one of the busiest enterprises in Gardiner, the public library.  By being part of the downtown “businesses”, the library does a great job of bringing people to town.
Just a few numbers so that you can see why the library is one of the anchor businesses for our downtown:
·        Total number of folks who visited last year: 60,799
·        Total number of people who attended a children’s program last year: 1,166
·        Total number attending young adult programming: 89
·        Total number of folks attending adult programs: 510
·        7,659 people circulated 104,053 items last year
·        More than 38,900 titles were accessed through Gardiner library’s Interlibrary Loan Program.
The Gardiner Public Library is a true regionalized system that serves the municipalities of Gardiner, Litchfield, Pittston, Randolph and West Gardiner.
I admit, when I do get home, I do read a book, but I notice that more often than not, I fall asleep after the first few pages!
 Anne Davis, Library Director