The library is currently open Monday through Friday from 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm. The Children's Room and Archives are open by appointment. Please call for details: 207-582-3312.

35 Years, 3 Generations of Families, Some Amazingly Wonderful Patrons.

Where did the years go?

As I begin my retirement, there are certain things of which I am sure.
I will deeply miss:
  • The wonderful Gardiner Library staff.  Our collaboration, laughter, problem solving, and friendship goes far beyond most working environments. Together we have made GPL one of the premier libraries in the state. You are the Best!
  • Selecting books for the children’s collection.
  • School visits with dedicated teachers.
  • Meetings & conferences with colleagues.
  • And finally, all the energetic, super terrific children whom I’ve had the privilege to watch grow up and become readers.
 Thank you all!
And a special appreciation to the many thoughtful people who’ve taken the time to phone, stop by, write wonderful messages on Facebook, and indulge me with flowers & gifts.  I am so honored!
Charlene Wagner, Children’s Librarian


The Gardiner Public Library summer reading program for 2014 is off to a great start!


Summer is the perfect time for kids to read books just for fun.  No tests, book reports or pressure involved.

Our first story hour/craft day involved making markers to identify plants that were acquired to go into our library garden as well as the actual planting of flowers, herbs & vegetables.


Unlike past years, the sun shone on our endeavor and the children worked hard to get everything planted.


Check out our calendar for future events.
Everyone welcome!  

Summer Reading!

As of today, July 18th, we have 101 readers & listeners taking part in “Dig Into Reading” the statewide 2013 summer reading program.  Thousands of books have been checked out and read since we began on June 17th.
Congratulations to all and thanks to the many parents who encourage reading.
Two upcoming events are scheduled: August 6th from 6-7 PM Carroll Chapman will present one of his amazing magic shows. (tickets required)
On August 20th from 6-7 PM our local author, Sandra Palmer Fish, will demonstrate her book-making process and conduct a hands-on workshop.  She’ll be selling her newest book “Peace by Piece” for $20.00 with proceeds donated to the Gardiner Public Library.